Happier Thinking ~Book Review~

happier thinking

Happier Thinking

By: Lana Grace Riva

Cleanliness (See “About” for scale): Very Clean (Topic to consider: depression.)

4 stars

“Happier thinking involves acting productively rather than thinking destructively.”

Happier Thinking is a really nice novella. It’s super simplistic, yet something everyone needs to read. There is nothing revolutionary, but it is a wonderful reminder that life has an upside. This book is packed full of interesting and funny examples and tons and tons of ellipses!

The author’s writing style is very casual and inviting. She pushes her points, but not in an off-putting way. The best way I can describe it is that it sounds like a blog post.

I enjoyed this book. It is super short and easy to read, yet it teaches really important things like how to think on the things that matter, or how to not be hard on yourself. If you are feeling down, Happier Thinking may be a good reminder that there is always a rainbow after a storm.


~I was sent a free copy of this book from the author for an honest review~

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