200 followers 2

Wow! You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for another 100 follows! I can get discouraged easily on things like this, but you all make it worth it! I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for six months! That’s crazy!

This community is so amazing, and I’ve met some really sweet people. I wanted to mention two of my blogging friends that followed my blog from close to the beginning and have supported me throughout this process. Nomadic Worlds and Bookgraphy! Thanks you two, and all of my other blogging buddies (I would mention all of you, but that would take way too long.)!

✨Best Wishes!

Audra ❤️

32 thoughts on “200 Followers!!

    1. Aww I’m sorry. It’s really tough, but some blogs burst with followers and then slow down (I hope that’s not mine!); and other blogs take a really long time, but get much more! I hope you get undiscouraged soon! ❤️

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